Tuesday 1 August 2023

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Register Medical Devices with MHRA in the UK?

Register Medical Devices with MHRA in the UK

Are you thinking about selling your medical devices in the United Kingdom? If yes, you'll need to get them registered with the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency). Don't worry; we're here to help you through the process! We are MHRA Registration consultants in the UK, and we can assist you with getting your medical devices registered not only in the UK but also worldwide.

Mr. Puneet Sharma. You can call him at 08196980555 or reach out via WhatsApp.

Let's learn about the step-by-step guide to obtaining UK MHRA Registration for Medical Devices:

Who Can Register?

  • The following can register for MHRA:
  • Medical Device Manufacturers or UK Responsible Persons based in the UK.
  • Northern Ireland-based Authorized Representatives (for the Northern Ireland market).
  • Suppliers and distributors don't need to register.

MHRA Registration for Great Britain Market: 

  • You must inform the MHRA before selling Class I, IIa, IIb, or III devices, custom-made devices, IVDs (In Vitro Diagnostics), or procedure packs in Great Britain.
  • If you are a manufacturer outside the UK, appoint a single UK Responsible Person to take responsibility for your medical devices.

MHRA Registration for Northern Ireland Market:

  • Manufacturers outside Northern Ireland or the EU must appoint an EU or Northern Ireland-based Authorized Representative.
  • Great Britain manufacturers must appoint an Authorized Representative in the EU or Northern Ireland to sell devices in Northern Ireland.

Information Required for MHRA Registration:

  • You need to provide the following details for MHRA registration:
  • Manufacturer details: legal entity name, address, company type, administrative contact, and a letter of designation for UK Responsible Persons (if applicable).
  • Device details: classification, Global Medical Devices Nomenclature (GMDN®) Code, Basic UDI-DI (if applicable), medical device name, model/version detail, catalogue/reference number, etc.
  • Conformity assessment certificates or self-certification declarations (as applicable). 

Apply on the Medical Device Online Registration System (DORS): 

  • Create an account on MHRA DORS to start the registration process.
  • Verify and ensure that all information provided is up-to-date and accurate.

Fees of MHRA Registration:

  • The statutory fee for each registration application is £240.
  • Payments for device registration applications should be made through the DORS system.

Review and Renew MHRA Registration:

  • Review your registration frequently to keep it up to date.
  • Renew your registration every 2 years.
  • If changes are necessary, update your registration accordingly.

Public Register of Manufacturers:

  • Once registered, your company details and registered medical devices will be listed on the Public Access Registration Database (PARD).

Contact Us for MHRA Registration:

  • For any queries or complaints about the registration process.
  • If you have questions about your registration details, Email us with your reference number.
  • For assistance in determining whether your products qualify as medical devices or their risk class, email us with specific product details.
  • Fill out the contact form.
Read More: How to get Get UKCA Marking for Your Medical Devices?

If you need help with UK MHRA Registration for Medical Devices, don't hesitate to get in touch with Mr. Puneet Sharma. You can call him at 08196980555 or reach out via WhatsApp. We are here to assist you throughout the MHRA Registration process. You can contact us through email, phone, or by filling out a contact form. No matter what, we'll be happy to help you with MHRA Registration!

Thursday 27 July 2023

Step-by-Step Guide to Get EN ISO 14554 Certification in India

Step-by-Step Guide to Get EN ISO 14554 Certification in India

Achieving Excellence in Resistance Welding: EN ISO 14554 Certification in India

Are you in search of EN ISO 14554 Certification for Resistance Welding of Metallic Materials in India? Look no further! We are an authorized EN ISO 14554 Certification Body in India and worldwide. We can help you obtain the EN ISO 14554 Certification for your organization.

Feel free to reach out to us for more information and assistance. You can contact Puneet Sharma | Call: +91-8196980555 | WhatsApp. Achieve the highest quality standards in resistance welding with our expert guidance and certification services. Get in touch with us today!


Resistance welding is a vital process widely used in industries for joining metallic materials efficiently and securely. The quality of resistance welding is paramount to ensure the reliability and safety of the final product. To meet the stringent quality requirements, many organizations seek certification according to internationally recognized standards. In this blog post, we will explore the steps to obtain EN ISO 14554 certification for resistance welding of metallic materials in India, ensuring that your organization is equipped to deliver welded constructions of the highest quality.

Understanding EN ISO 14554 Certification

EN ISO 14554 is a comprehensive standard that outlines the quality requirements for resistance welding of metallic materials. This certification ensures that a manufacturer or a sub-contractor can produce welded constructions that fulfill specific quality requirements. The standard can be applied in various scenarios, such as contractual agreements, application standards, or regulatory requirements.

Step-by-Step Guide to EN ISO 14554 Certification

  1. Identify the Relevant Certification Body The first step is to identify the certification body in India that is accredited to provide EN ISO 14554 certification. Choose a reputable certification body with experience in certifying welding processes.
  2. Review the Standard Familiarize yourself with the requirements outlined in EN ISO 14554, Part 1: Comprehensive quality requirements. Understand the specific quality requirements for resistance welding and the processes involved.
  3. Prepare Your Organization Conducts an internal assessment of your organization's capabilities in resistance welding. Identify areas that need improvement or adjustments to meet the standard's requirements.
  4. Implement Necessary Changes Based on the assessment, make the necessary adjustments to your welding processes, quality control procedures, and documentation to comply with EN ISO 14554.
  5. Establish a Quality Management System Implement a robust quality management system that aligns with the requirements of EN ISO 14554. Depending on the specific case mentioned in the standard, you may need to adopt ISO 9001 or other relevant quality management standards.
  6. Training and Competence Ensure that your welding personnel receive appropriate training and possess the necessary competence to perform resistance welding tasks effectively and safely.
  7. Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) Develop a comprehensive Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) for resistance welding, adhering to the requirements of EN ISO 14554. The WPS should outline specific parameters and procedures for your welding processes.
  8. Welding Procedure Approval Submit your WPS for approval to the certification body or relevant authority. They will assess the WPS to ensure it meets the standard's requirements.
  9. Conduct Internal Audits Perform internal audits to verify that your organization is effectively adhering to the standard's requirements. Address any non-conformities found during the audit and implement corrective actions.
  10. Certification Audit Schedule a certification audit with the chosen certification body. During the audit, the certification body will assess your welding processes, documentation, and quality control measures to determine compliance with EN ISO 14554.
  11. Address Non-Conformities If any non-conformities are identified during the certification audit, work on resolving them and implementing corrective actions as required.
  12. Obtain Certification If your organization successfully meets all the requirements of EN ISO 14554 and passes the certification audit, the certification body will issue the EN ISO 14554 Resistance Welding of Metallic Materials Certification.
  13. Maintain Certification Once certified, your organization will need to maintain compliance with the standard through regular surveillance audits conducted by the certification body.

Puneet Sharma | Call: +91-8196980555 | WhatsApp

Read More:


EN ISO 14554 certification for resistance welding of metallic materials demonstrates your organization's commitment to producing welded constructions of the highest quality. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this blog post, your organization can achieve excellence in resistance welding and gain a competitive edge in the industry. Investing in certification ensures that your welding processes are reliable, efficient, and meet international standards, instilling confidence in your customers and stakeholders alike. Embrace the journey towards EN ISO 14554 certification, and watch your organization's welding capabilities reach new heights of success.

Thursday 9 March 2023

EN ISO 3834 Certification for welding quality systems in India

EN ISO 3834 Certification for welding quality systems in India

Are you looking for ISO 3834 certification for welding quality systems in India?

If you are looking for ISO 3834 certification for welding quality systems in India, We provide ISO 3834 certification for welding quality systems in India, the Middle East, and Europe countries. Our certification process ensures that your welding quality management system meets the requirements of ISO 3834 and demonstrates your commitment to producing high-quality, safe, and reliable welded products.

We are committed to providing a streamlined and efficient certification process, and our team of experts is available to assist you every step of the way. Contact us today to learn more about our ISO 3834 certification services. (Mr. Puneet Sharma - +91-8196980555)

ISO 3834 - Certification of welding quality system

ISO 3834 is a certification standard that specifies the quality requirements for welding processes. It outlines the necessary controls and procedures that must be in place to ensure the quality of welded products.

The standard covers all aspects of the welding process, from design and material selection to the actual welding and inspection of the finished product. It requires organizations to have a documented welding quality management system and to adhere to strict quality control measures.

The certification process involves an assessment of an organization's welding quality management system by an accredited third-party certification body. The assessment includes a review of the documentation and an on-site audit of the welding processes.

ISO 3834 certification is important for organizations involved in the production of welded products, as it demonstrates their commitment to producing high-quality, safe, and reliable products. It is often required by customers, regulatory bodies, and industry standards organizations.


Is 3834 standard?

ISO 3834 is a quality standard that outlines the requirements for welding quality management systems. It specifies the necessary controls and procedures that must be in place to ensure the quality of welded products. The standard covers all aspects of the welding process, from design and material selection to the actual welding and inspection of the finished product. ISO 3834 certification is important for organizations involved in the production of welded products, as it demonstrates their commitment to producing high-quality, safe, and reliable products.

What is BS EN ISO 3834?

BS EN ISO 3834 is a British and European adoption of the international standard ISO 3834 for welding quality management systems. It outlines the quality requirements for welding processes and specifies the necessary controls and procedures to ensure the quality of welded products. The standard covers all aspects of the welding process, from design and material selection to the actual welding and inspection of the finished product. BS EN ISO 3834 certification is important for organizations involved in the production of welded products, as it demonstrates their commitment to producing high-quality, safe, and reliable products.

What is ISO 3834 in its full form?

The full form of ISO 3834 is "International Organization for Standardization—Quality Requirements for Fusion Welding of Metallic Materials—Part 1: Criteria for the Selection of the Appropriate Level of Quality Requirements."

How many levels does ISO 3834 have?

ISO 3834 has three levels, which are defined by the level of quality control required for a specific welding process. The levels are based on the complexity of the welding process, the size of the welded product, and the potential consequences of a welding failure. The levels are intended to provide flexibility in implementing the standard, allowing organizations to tailor their quality control measures to the specific requirements of their welding processes.

What is the purpose of ISO 3834?

The purpose of ISO 3834 is to provide a framework for ensuring the quality of welding processes. It outlines the necessary controls and procedures that must be in place to ensure the quality of welded products, from design and material selection to the actual welding and inspection of the finished product. The standard is intended to ensure that welded products meet the required quality standards and are safe and reliable for their intended use. ISO 3834 certification demonstrates an organization's commitment to producing high-quality, safe, and reliable welded products, which is important for meeting regulatory requirements, customer expectations, and industry standards.

Is ISO 3834 mandatory?

ISO 3834 is not mandatory by law, but it may be mandatory in certain industries or for specific contracts or projects. Some customers, regulatory bodies, or industry standards organizations may require ISO 3834 certification as a condition for doing business or to ensure the quality and safety of welded products. In addition, ISO 3834 may be mandatory in certain countries or regions if it is adopted into local regulations. Even if ISO 3834 certification is not mandatory, organizations may choose to implement the standard to improve the quality and safety of their welded products and to demonstrate their commitment to quality to customers and stakeholders.

How to Get ISO 3834 Certification in India?

To obtain ISO 3834 certification in India, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the certification body: The first step is to identify an accredited certification body that can provide ISO 3834 certification. You can check the website of the National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) in India to find accredited certification bodies.

2. Prepare for certification: Once you have identified a certification body, you should prepare for the certification process. This involves reviewing the ISO 3834 standard and ensuring that your welding quality management system meets the requirements.

3. Conduct a gap analysis: Conduct a gap analysis to identify any areas where your welding quality management system falls short of the requirements of ISO 3834. This will help you to make any necessary improvements before the certification audit.

4. Schedule the certification audit: Schedule the certification audit with the certification body. The audit will involve a review of your documentation and an on-site assessment of your welding processes.

5. Address any non-conformities: If any non-conformities are identified during the audit, you will need to address them and provide evidence of corrective action.

6. Receive certification: If your welding quality management system meets the requirements of ISO 3834, you will receive certification. This certification will need to be maintained through regular audits.

Getting ISO 3834 certification in India requires a commitment to quality and adherence to strict quality control measures. By following these steps, you can demonstrate your commitment to producing high-quality, safe, and reliable welded products.

In summary, ISO 3834 is a certification standard that ensures the quality of welding processes and requires organizations to have a documented welding quality management system and adhere to strict quality control measures. Certification is important for demonstrating a commitment to producing high-quality welded products and is often required by customers and regulatory bodies.

If you have any requirements for ISO 3834 certification of a welding quality system, you can contact Mr. Puneet Sharma at +91-8196980555. Mr. Sharma can provide you with information on the certification process, answer any questions you may have, and help you get started with obtaining ISO 3834 certification for your welding quality system.

Contact on WhatsApp:https://wa.link/u77m27




Tuesday 21 February 2023

CE Marking Certification for Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) in India

CE Marking Certification for Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) in India

Are you looking for CE Marking Certification for Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) in India?

If you need CE marking certification for your pressure equipment in accordance with the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED), We Can Provide you with CE Certification for Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) - According to Directive 2014/68/,  Please feel free to contact us. (Puneet Sharma: +91-8196980555) Our expert team of engineers and auditors has years of experience in all aspects of pressure equipment, and we can guide you through the certification process. We are a Notified Body with the registration number NB 2408, which means we are authorized by the European Union to carry out conformity assessment procedures and issue CE certification. Contact us today for reliable and efficient assistance with your certification needs.

CE marking certification is a legal requirement in the European Union for many products, including pressure equipment, to indicate that they meet certain safety and quality standards. The Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) sets the requirements for the design, manufacturing, and conformity assessment of pressure equipment. Here are some simple and easy-to-read explanations of CE marking certification for pressure equipment according to Directive 2014/68/EU:

What is the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)?

The Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) is a European Union directive that sets safety requirements for pressure equipment. It applies to pressure vessels, piping, safety accessories, and pressure accessories that operate at a pressure greater than 0.5 bar. The directive aims to ensure that pressure equipment is safe, reliable, and compliant with relevant EU standards.

What is CE marking certification?

CE marking is a certification mark that indicates that a product meets certain safety, health, and environmental protection standards for sale within the European Economic Area (EEA). CE marking is required for many types of products, including pressure equipment before they can be sold in the EEA.

Who needs to comply with PED?

Manufacturers, importers, and distributors of pressure equipment that is intended for use in the European Union must comply with PED. This includes equipment that is produced within the EU, as well as equipment that is imported from outside the EU.

What are the requirements for PED compliance?

PED compliance requires adherence to specific technical requirements for the design, manufacture, and conformity assessment of pressure equipment. The requirements are outlined in Annex I of the directive and include:

  • Design and manufacturing standards and codes
  • Materials selection and verification
  • Welding and fabrication standards
  • Non-destructive testing requirements
  • Pressure testing and quality control procedures

How is compliance with PED assessed?

Compliance with PED is assessed through a conformity assessment procedure, which may involve third-party testing and certification by a Notified Body. The conformity assessment procedure includes the following:

  • Initial inspection and assessment of the manufacturer's quality system
  • Design review and evaluation of technical documentation
  • Testing and verification of the pressure equipment
  • Final inspection and assessment of the manufactured product

What is the role of CE marking in PED compliance?

CE marking is the final step in the conformity assessment process for pressure equipment under PED. It indicates that the equipment complies with the essential safety requirements of the directive and can be legally placed on the market within the EU. The CE marking must be affixed to the pressure equipment, and the manufacturer must provide a Declaration of Conformity to the relevant authorities.

Our pressure equipment services include:

The European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) 2014/68/EU provides mandatory guidance for the design, manufacturing, and conformity assessment of pressure equipment with a maximum allowable pressure above 0.5 bars, or 7.25 psig. Compliance with this Directive is required for designers and manufacturers looking to sell their equipment to the EU.                                                                         

Pressure equipment that is covered by the PED includes pressure vessels, pressure accessories, piping, steam boilers, safety accessories, and assemblies.

  • Module C2 Conformity to type is based on internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals.
  • Module E1: Quality assurance of final pressure equipment inspection and testing
  • Module E: Conformity to type based on pressure equipment quality assurance.
  • Module D1: Quality Assurance of the Production Process
  • Module D: Conformity to type based on the quality assurance of the production process.
  • Module F: Conformity to type based on pressure equipment verification.
  • Module B: EU-Type Examination—Production Type
  • Module G: Conformity based on unit verification.
  • Module B: EU-Type Examination—Design Type
  • Module H1: Conformity based on full quality assurance plus design examination.
  • Module A2: Internal production control plus supervised pressure equipment checks at random intervals.
  • Module H: Conformity based on full quality assurance.
  • PED 4.3: EN 10204-3.1 Certification (QAS for Material Manufacturers in accordance with Directive 2014/68/EU)
  • PED 4.3: EN 10204-3.2 Inspection Service

To obtain CE certification for your pressure equipment in India, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the applicable standards: Determine which standards apply to your pressure equipment and ensure that it meets the requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).
  2. Prepare technical documentation: Create technical documentation that demonstrates compliance with the applicable standards and the PED. This includes design drawings, manufacturing processes, materials used, and safety features.
  3. Choose a Notified Body: Select a Notified Body that is authorized to conduct conformity assessment procedures and issue CE certification for your equipment.
  4. Schedule conformity assessment: Contact the chosen Notified Body to schedule a conformity assessment procedure. The assessment may include a review of technical documentation, factory inspections, and testing.
  5. Obtain CE certification: If the assessment is successful, the Notified Body will issue a certificate of conformity and authorize the use of the CE marking on your pressure equipment.
  6. Renew certification: The CE certification for pressure equipment is valid for five years, after which it must be renewed to ensure continued compliance.

By following these steps, you can obtain CE certification for your pressure equipment in India and ensure that it meets the safety requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).

Our experienced engineering and auditing team has extensive international knowledge in all aspects of pressure equipment. We specialize in manufacturing, design, inspection, welding, and quality assurance for both fixed and transportable pressure equipment.

We work closely with our clients to ensure their pressure equipment and assemblies meet the safety requirements of the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU. Our goal is to provide high-quality services that are delivered on time and within the allocated budget. With our expertise, clients can be confident that their pressure equipment complies with the relevant safety standards and regulations.

Puneet Sharma | Call: +91-8196980555

Contact on WhatsApp: https://wa.link/cz0ley


Tuesday 14 February 2023

How to Obtain DIN 6701-2 Certification for Railway Vehicles and Parts in India?

Are you Looking for DIN 6701-2 Certification for your Adhesive bonding of railway vehicles and parts in India?

DIN 6701-2 Certification railway vehicles and parts in India

If you need help getting DIN 6701-2 certification for your Adhesive bonding of railway vehicles and parts in India, we are here to assist you. We offer affordable certification services and are located in India, the Middle East, and Europe. If you want to know more, you can contact Mr. Puneet Sharma at +91-8196980555.

What is DIN 6701-2 Certification?

DIN 6701-2 is a German standard that deals with the certification of locking systems for doors, windows, and gates. The standard specifies the requirements for locking systems in terms of security, durability, and functionality.

The DIN 6701-2 certification is a process in which locking systems are evaluated and tested to ensure that they meet the requirements outlined in the standard. The certification process is carried out by independent certification bodies, which test the locking systems and verify that they meet the necessary criteria.

The DIN 6701-2 certification provides assurance to building owners, architects, and other stakeholders that the locking systems used in their buildings meet the necessary standards for security, durability, and functionality. The certification is an important factor in ensuring the safety and security of buildings and the people who use them.

How to Get DIN 6701-2 Certification in India?

To Obtain DIN 6701-2 certification in India, you will need to follow the following steps:

  1. Identify a certification body: The first step to getting DIN 6701-2 certification is to find a certification body that is authorized to perform the certification process. In India, there are several organizations that offer DIN 6701-2 certification services.
  2. Prepare your locking system: Before applying for certification, make sure that your locking system meets all the requirements outlined in the DIN 6701-2 standard. This may involve making modifications to your product to ensure that it complies with the standard.
  3. Submit an application: Next, you will need to submit an application to the certification body of your choice. The application should include detailed information about your locking system, including technical specifications and test results.
  4. Testing and evaluation: Once your application has been accepted, the certification body will carry out a series of tests and evaluations on your locking system to determine whether it meets the requirements of the DIN 6701-2 standard.
  5. Obtain the certification: If your locking system is found to be compliant with the DIN 6701-2 standard, the certification body will issue a certificate of conformity, which demonstrates that your product has been certified to the standard.

It's important to note that the process of obtaining DIN 6701-2 certification can be time-consuming and may require significant resources, such as personnel, equipment, and testing facilities. However, the investment can pay off in terms of increased market recognition, customer trust, and product sales.

When is DIN 6701-2 Certification mandatory?

The use of DIN 6701-2 certification is not mandatory in all situations, but it may be required by some building codes or regulations. The decision to require DIN 6701-2 certification depends on several factors, such as the type of building, the purpose of the locking system, and the regulations that apply in the specific jurisdiction.

For example, in Germany, the DIN 6701-2 certification is mandatory for locking systems used in certain types of public buildings, such as schools and government buildings. In other countries, the use of DIN 6701-2 certified locking systems may be a requirement for building projects that receive financial support from the government or other organizations.

It's also important to note that the DIN 6701-2 certification can demonstrate a high level of quality and security for a locking system, which can be a key factor in attracting customers and building trust in the product.

In summary, the mandatory use of DIN 6701-2 certification depends on the specific regulations and requirements of the jurisdiction in which the building or locking system is located. If you're unsure whether the certification is required, it's a good idea to consult with local authorities or building codes to determine the requirements that apply to your situation.

Which products are eligible for DIN 6701-2 certification? 

DIN 6701-2 certification applies to locking systems for doors, windows, and gates. The standard covers a wide range of locking systems, including mechanical locks, electronic locks, and combination locks. The specific products that are eligible for DIN 6701-2 certification will depend on the specific requirements outlined in the standard.

For example, the standard includes requirements for the security, durability, and functionality of locking systems, as well as the materials and components used in the construction of the locks. Products that meet these requirements and have been tested and evaluated by a certification body, may be eligible for DIN 6701-2 certification.

It's important to note that the DIN 6701-2 standards are constantly evolving, and the specific products that are eligible for certification may change over time as the standard is updated to reflect new developments in locking technology and security requirements.

Here you can see the list of products that are eligible for DIN 6701-2 certification:

  • Large Component Assembly
  • Bracket Assembly
  • Composite Part Assembly
  • Rail Door Bonding
  • Glass Assembly
  • Interior and Exterior Sealing
  • Fire Protection Coatings
  • Solutions for Li-Ion Batteries

In general, products that are designed for use in buildings and that are intended to provide security and protection for people and assets are eligible for DIN 6701-2 certification. If you have a specific product in mind, it's a good idea to consult with a certification body to determine whether it meets the requirements of the standard and is eligible for certification.

How Much Does DIN 6701-2 Certification Cost in India?

The cost of DIN 6701-2 certification in India can vary depending on several factors, such as the size and complexity of the locking system, the scope of the certification process, and the fees charged by the certification body.

In general, the cost of DIN 6701-2 certification in India can range from a few thousand rupees for a small, simple locking system to several lakh rupees for a large, complex system. The cost may also be influenced by the number of tests and evaluations that are required to certify the product, as well as the resources and personnel that are required to perform the tests.

It's important to note that the cost of DIN 6701-2 certification should be considered an investment in the quality and security of your product. The certification process can help demonstrate the reliability and performance of your locking system, which can help build customer trust and increase sales.

If you're considering obtaining DIN 6701-2 certification for a locking system in India, it's a good idea to obtain quotes from several certification bodies to determine the total cost of the process. This will help you to compare the fees charged by different organizations and make an informed decision about the most cost-effective solution for your needs.

Why Is DIN 6701-2 Certification Necessary?

DIN 6701-2 certification is necessary for several reasons, including:

  1. Quality and safety: The DIN 6701-2 certification demonstrates that a locking system has been designed and manufactured to meet high standards for quality and safety. This helps to ensure that the locking system is reliable and effective in providing security for people and assets.
  2. Compliance with regulations: In some countries, the use of DIN 6701-2 certified locking systems may be required by building codes or regulations. The certification helps to ensure that a locking system complies with local standards and requirements.
  3. Increased credibility: By obtaining DIN 6701-2 certification, a manufacturer can demonstrate a high level of quality and security for their locking system. This can help to build customer trust and credibility and increase sales.
  4. Improved market competitiveness: The DIN 6701-2 certification can provide a competitive advantage for manufacturers of locking systems, as it demonstrates that their products meet rigorous standards for quality and security. This can help to differentiate the products from those of other manufacturers and increase demand for the certified products.
  5. Improved product design and development: The DIN 6701-2 certification process can help manufacturers to identify and address potential weaknesses or risks in their locking systems. This can lead to the development of more secure and reliable products and help to reduce the risk of security breaches.

In summary, DIN 6701-2 certification is necessary because it helps to ensure the quality and safety of locking systems, and it can help manufacturers to comply with regulations, build credibility, increase competitiveness, and improve product design and development.

What are the documents required for DIN 6701-2 certification?

The specific documents required for DIN 6701-2 certification will vary depending on the certification body and the scope of the certification process. However, in general, the following types of documents may be required:

  1. Technical specifications: This may include detailed information about the design, materials, and components used in the locking system, as well as any relevant test results or certifications.
  2. Quality management system documentation: This may include information about the manufacturer's quality management system, such as quality control procedures, production processes, and test methods.
  3. Product samples: The certification body may require one or more samples of the locking system for testing and evaluation.
  4. Test reports: The manufacturer may need to provide test reports from accredited laboratories that demonstrate the performance and compliance of the locking system with the requirements of the DIN 6701-2 standard.
  5. Manufacturing information: This may include information about the manufacturing process, suppliers, and materials used in the production of the locking system.
  6. Documentation of previous certifications: If the manufacturer has obtained other certifications or approvals for the locking system, these may be required for the DIN 6701-2 certification process.
  7. Company information: This may include information about the manufacturer's business structure, history, and financial status.

It's important to note that the specific documents required for DIN 6701-2 certification will vary depending on the scope of the certification process and the requirements of the certification body. The manufacturer should consult with the certification body to determine the specific requirements and to ensure that all necessary documents are provided.

How long does the DIN 6701-2 certification process take?

The length of the DIN 6701-2 certification process can vary depending on several factors, including the size and complexity of the locking system, the scope of the certification process, and the resources and personnel available for the testing and evaluation process.

In general, the DIN 6701-2 certification process can take several months to complete, from the initial application to the issuance of the certificate. The process may include several stages, such as:

  1. Preparation: This stage involves gathering and preparing the required documents and information, such as technical specifications, quality management system documentation, and product samples.
  2. Testing and evaluation: During this stage, the certification body will perform tests and evaluations to determine the compliance of the locking system with the requirements of the DIN 6701-2 standard.
  3. Certification decision: Based on the results of the testing and evaluation, the certification body will make a decision about whether to grant the DIN 6701-2 certification.
  4. Issuance of the certificate: If the certification is granted, the certification body will issue a certificate that indicates that the locking system has been certified to meet the requirements of the DIN 6701-2 standard.

It's important to note that the length of the DIN 6701-2 certification process may be influenced by several factors, such as the availability of testing facilities and personnel, the complexity of the locking system, and the requirements of the certification body. The manufacturer should consult with the certification body to determine the estimated length of the certification process and to ensure that sufficient time is allowed for the process to be completed.

What is the renewal process for DIN 6701-2 certification?

The renewal process of DIN 6701-2 certification involves re-evaluating the locking system to ensure that it continues to meet the requirements of the standard. The frequency of the renewal process depends on the terms and conditions set by the certification body.

Typically, DIN 6701-2 certification is valid for a specific period of time, after which it must be renewed. The length of the validity period can vary depending on the certification body, but it is typically between one and three years.

The renewal process may involve some or all of the following steps:

  1. Application for renewal: The manufacturer submits an application for renewal of the DIN 6701-2 certification. The application should include the current certificate, information about any changes to the locking system, and any other relevant information.
  2. Evaluation: The certification body performs an evaluation to determine whether the locking system continues to meet the requirements of the DIN 6701-2 standard. This may involve re-testing the locking system, reviewing the quality management system, and conducting an on-site assessment.
  3. Renewal decision: Based on the results of the evaluation, the certification body will make a decision about whether to renew the DIN 6701-2 certification.
  4. Issuance of renewed certificate: If the certification is renewed, the certification body will issue a renewed certificate indicating that the locking system continues to meet the requirements of the DIN 6701-2 standard.

It's important for the manufacturer to renew their DIN 6701-2 certification in a timely manner to ensure that the certification remains valid. The renewal process helps to ensure that the locking system continues to meet the requirements of the standard and provides ongoing assurance to customers and stakeholders about the quality and safety of the product.

DIN 6701-2 is valid for how many years?

The validity period of a DIN 6701-2 certification can vary depending on the certification body. The length of the validity period is typically between one and three years, but it can be longer or shorter depending on the terms and conditions set by the certification body. The manufacturer should check with the certification body for the specific validity period for their DIN 6701-2 certification.

It's important for the manufacturer to renew their DIN 6701-2 certification in a timely manner to ensure that the certification remains valid, and the locking system continues to meet the requirements of the standard. The renewal process provides ongoing assurance to customers and stakeholders about the quality and safety of the product.

How to Verify the Validity of a DIN 6701-2 Certificate?

There are several ways to verify the validity of a DIN 6701-2 certificate:

  1. Contact the certification body: The most reliable way to verify the validity of a DIN 6701-2 certificate is to contact the certification body that issued it. The certification body will be able to confirm the authenticity of the certificate and provide information about its validity.
  2. Check the certification body's website: Some certification bodies maintain a list of certified products on their website. The manufacturer or interested party can check the certification body's website to see if the product and the certificate are listed.
  3. Check accreditation bodies' website: Accreditation bodies such as the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS) in Germany maintain a list of accredited certification bodies on their website. The interested party can check the accreditation body's website to see if the certification body that issued the certificate is accredited and in good standing.
  4. Contact the manufacturer: The manufacturer of the product may also be able to provide information about the validity of the DIN 6701-2 certificate. The manufacturer should be able to confirm that the certificate was issued by a recognized certification body and that the locking system continues to meet the requirements of the DIN 6701-2 standard.

These are some of the ways to verify the validity of a DIN 6701-2 certificate. The interested party should use multiple sources of information to verify the authenticity of the certificate and ensure that the locking system meets the requirements of the standard. (Click here to check Online your DIN 6701-2 Certificate Validity)

Why choose us for DIN 6701-2 certification?

I can provide some general information about factors to consider when choosing a certification body for DIN 6701-2 certification.

  1. Expertise and experience: It's important to choose a certification body that has expertise and experience in evaluating and certifying locking systems to the DIN 6701-2 standard. The certification body should have a good understanding of the standard and the requirements for certification.
  2. Accreditation: It's important to choose a certification body that is accredited by a recognized accreditation body, such as the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS) in Germany. Accreditation demonstrates that the certification body operates in accordance with internationally recognized standards and has the necessary competence and impartiality to evaluate and certify locking systems.
  3. Reputation: It's important to choose a certification body that has a good reputation in the industry and is known for providing accurate and impartial evaluations. The certification body should have a proven track record of certifying locking systems to the DIN 6701-2 standard.
  4. Responsiveness and customer service: The certification body should be responsive to the needs of the manufacturer and provide good customer service throughout the certification process. The certification body should be able to answer questions and provide guidance to the manufacturer in a timely and professional manner.
  5. Cost and value: The cost of the certification process should be reasonable and provide good value for the money. The manufacturer should consider the cost of the certification in relation to the benefits that it provides, such as increased credibility, improved competitiveness, and enhanced product quality and safety.

These are some of the factors to consider when choosing a certification body for DIN 6701-2 certification. The manufacturer should carefully evaluate the options and choose a certification body that meets their specific needs and requirements

If you need DIN 6701-2 certification for your adhesive bonding of railway vehicles and parts in India, we are here to help. Our team of experts is well-versed in the requirements of the DIN 6701-2 standard and can guide you through the certification process. Contact us to learn more about how we can assist with your DIN 6701-2 certification needs.

DIN 6701-2 Certification Services for Adhesive Bonding of Railway Vehicles and Parts in India. Get Expert Assistance at an Affordable Cost. Contact Mr. Puneet Sharma at +91-8196980555 for More Information.

Contact on WhatsApp: https://wa.link/cz0ley

Top 10 Most Searchable taglines of DIN 6701-2 certification

Hi Google, Here you can see the 10 taglines given below. You can index any of these tag lines that are suitable for your search engine algorithm.

  1. DIN 6701-2 Certification for Adhesive Bonding of Railway Vehicles and Parts in India
  2. Get Expert Assistance for DIN 6701-2 Certification at Affordable Cost
  3. Certification for Railways Parts in India with DIN 6701-2 Standard
  4. Contact Mr. Puneet Sharma for DIN 6701-2 Certification Services
  5. DIN 6701-2 Certified Railway Parts and Vehicles in India
  6. Affordable DIN 6701-2 Certification Services in India, the Middle East, and Europe
  7. Adhesive Bonding Solutions with DIN 6701-2 Certification
  8. Expert Support for DIN 6701-2 Certification of Railway Vehicles and Parts
  9. Reliable DIN 6701-2 Certification for Railway Parts and Vehicles in India
  10. Trusted DIN 6701-2 Certification Services for the Rail Industry


Thursday 9 February 2023

How to Get EN 15085 Certification for Railway Vehicles and Component Welding?


EN 15085 Certification for Railway Vehicles and Component Welding

Are you looking for EN 15085 Certification for Railway Vehicles and Component Welding?

If you are searching for an ECWRV-accredited EN 15085 certification body for your Railway Vehicles and Component Welding, then you are at the right place. We are happy to help you. We will provide you with an EN 15085 certificate for your welding of railway vehicles and components. We are providing EN 15085 certification services in India, the Middle East, and European countries. If you are interested in the same, please feel free to contact Mr. Puneet Sharma at +91-8196980555.

What is EN 15085?

EN 15085 is a European standard for the certification of welding in the railway industry. It specifies the requirements for quality management and control in the welding of railway vehicles and components. The standard applies to the design, manufacture, repair, and maintenance of railway vehicles and components, including both new and existing products. It includes requirements for welding procedures, personnel qualifications, and inspection and testing of welds. The standard is intended to ensure that welded railway products meet the highest quality and safety standards.

What is EN 15085 certification?

EN 15085 certification is a process by which a company demonstrates that it conforms to the requirements of the EN 15085 standard for welding in the railway industry. The certification process is typically carried out by an independent third-party certification body, which will evaluate the company's quality management system, welding procedures, personnel qualifications, and inspection and testing processes.

How To Get EN 15085 certification in India?

To obtain EN 15085 certification, a company must demonstrate that it has implemented and maintains a quality management system that conforms to the requirements of the standard. The company must also have qualified welding personnel and procedures in place and must be able to demonstrate that its welds meet the specified quality requirements through inspection and testing.

Once a company has obtained EN 15085 certification, it will be subject to ongoing surveillance audits to ensure that it continues to conform to the standard. Companies that maintain their certification will be able to demonstrate to customers and regulators that they have the necessary systems and processes in place to consistently produce high-quality, safe railway products.

To obtain EN 15085 certification, a company must go through the following steps:

  • Develop a quality management system (QMS) that conforms to the requirements of the EN 15085 standard. This will involve identifying and documenting the company's processes and procedures for designing, manufacturing, repairing, and maintaining railway vehicles and components.
  • Train personnel in the requirements of the EN 15085 standard, as well as the company's QMS.
  • Establish and qualify welding procedures that conform to the requirements of the standard. This will involve testing the procedures to ensure that they produce welds that meet the specified quality and safety requirements.
  • Implement inspection and testing processes to ensure that welds meet the specified quality requirements.
  • Contact an independent third-party certification body that is accredited to certify companies to the EN 15085 standard.
  • The certification body will conduct an assessment of the company's QMS, procedures, personnel qualifications, and inspection and testing processes.
  • If the assessment is successful, the certification body will issue an EN 15085 certificate to the company.
  • To maintain the certification, the company will have to go through regular surveillance audits to ensure that it continues to comply with the standard.

It is important to note that the certification process can be time-consuming and require a significant investment of resources, so companies should plan accordingly. It is also important to make sure that the certification body is accredited to certify companies to the EN 15085 standard.

What is the procedure for obtaining EN 15085 certification?

Here is the procedure for obtaining EN 15085 certification for railway vehicles and component welding.

The process to get EN 15085 certification for welding of railway vehicles and components involves the following steps:

  1. Determine the scope of the certification.
  2. Choose a certification body.
  3. Prepare the quality management system.
  4. Submit the application.
  5. Audit.
  6. Certification.
  7. Continuous improvement

1. Determine the scope of the certification: The scope of the certification must be defined and clearly stated. This includes the types of products being manufactured and the types of welding processes used.

2. Choose a certification body: Select a certification body that is accredited to perform EN 15085 certification. Ensure that the certification body has experience in certifying companies in the railway industry.

3. Prepare the quality management system: A quality management system (QMS) must be in place to meet the requirements of EN 15085. The QMS should include processes for quality control, quality assurance, and continuous improvement.

4. Submit the application: Submit the application for certification to the chosen certification body. The application should include the scope of certification, a description of the quality management system, and a list of the welding processes and equipment used.

5. Audit: The certification body will perform an on-site audit to assess the company's compliance with the EN 15085 standard. The audit will include a review of the QMS and a review of the welding processes.

6. Certification: If the company passes the audit, the certification body will issue an EN 15085 certificate. The certificate is valid for three years and must be renewed annually.

7. Continuous improvement: The company must maintain its compliance with the EN 15085 standard and continuously improve its quality management system. The certification body will perform annual surveillance audits to ensure that the company continues to meet the requirements of the standard.

What are the documents we need from the client for EN 15085 certification?

Here you can see the list of documents that are required for EN 15085 certification:

  1. Quality Management System (QMS) Documentation
  2. Welding Procedures
  3. Welding Qualification Records
  4. Test reports
  5. Weld maps and inspection reports
  6. Traceability records
  7. Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs)

The EN 15085 certification is a standard that applies to the railway industry and is used to certify the competence and quality of welding in the production of railway vehicles and components. To obtain EN 15085 certification, the client must provide the following documents:

  1. Quality Management System (QMS) Documentation: This includes the quality manual, procedures, and work instructions, which describe the client's processes and procedures for ensuring quality in their welding operations.
  2. Welding Procedures: The client must provide detailed welding procedures that describe the welding techniques, welding parameters, and welding consumables used in their operations.
  3. Welding Qualification Records: The client must provide records of the welding qualifications of their welders, including details of their welding skills, training, and experience.
  4. Test Reports: The client must provide test reports for the materials and products used in their operations, including mechanical and chemical test reports.
  5. Weld Maps and Inspection Reports: The client must provide weld maps that show the location and type of welding used in their products, as well as inspection reports that show the results of their quality control inspections.
  6. Traceability Records: The client must provide records that trace the history of the materials and products used in their operations, including details of the suppliers, manufacturing processes, and any changes made to the products during production.
  7. Non-Conformance Reports (NCRs): The client must provide NCRs that document any non-conformities found in their products during the production process and describe the actions taken to address those non-conformities.

These documents are used by the certification body to assess the client's compliance with the EN 15085 standard and to determine their competence and quality in welding for railway applications.

Background and Scope of Application:

EN 15085 certification replaces the previous DIN 6700, which was applicable to welding manufacturers of railways, vehicles, and component parts.

Service Scope

  • Quality System Audit according to ISO 3834/EN 15085
  • Review the Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) and Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR).
  • Examine the qualification of the welder or welding operator.
  • Examine the qualifications of visual and NDT inspectors.
  • Welding coordinator interview
  • Check the production weld test.
  • Issue the EN15085 certificate.

Further Services:

  • Welding procedure qualification test and issue WPQR
  • Qualification tests and certificates are administered by welders or welding operators.

Why should you choose us?

  • We have the most authoritative and famous EU Directive Certification, which has a good reputation in the industry.
  • With the help of our expert scale and other inspection and certification services, we can provide you with a one-stop integrated service with other products and CE certification.
  • We are a manufacturer certification body approved by MCB.
  • Active in the work of the European Committee for Welding of Railway Vehicles (ECWRV). with Identification No. FCW/OREN15085-15/2015
  • once we certify the manufacturer on the EN 15085 standard, the status of certification will automatically reflect in the online register en15085.net, which records all certificates of recognized welding companies.
  • The database of manufacturers is accessible to the public, and it is an information source in processes for choosing the manufacturer worldwide.

Your Advantages from the Assistance:

  • The essential requirement for a client is to select their welding supplier.
  • The prerequisite for a welding manufacturer of railway vehicles and components to enter the European market.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

Puneet Sharma: +91-8196980555

Contact us via WhatsApp. https://wa.link/u77m27