How To Get CE Mark On CPR Construction Products?

Eurotech Also Providing CE Mark Certification On Construction Products CPR (Construction products regulations) any requirement  for this you can contact to Mr. Puneet Sharma E-mail: CE.Marking.Certification@Gmail.Com

For the construction industry is facing one of the most significant changes for a decade a CE Marking of construction products becomes mandatory in all EU member states and throughout the European Economic Area but what is CE Marking well it demonstrates compliance with the appropriate manufacturing standards for product most of us will be familiar with the symbol because it has been a requirement for many years on products such as toys and electrical goods sold in the European Union CE Marking is part of the new approach direct is introduced by the European a community back in the nineteen eighties to make sure that or products satisfied certain common levels above health and safety and standards in terms of construction for starting construction with the construction products directive with introduced in and that was actually changed to weigh regulation in the research into regulations because the director was it Monday treat all Member States assert member states which didn't see the directives action Monday trip so in the directive changed to regulation.

Which makes earmarking monetary everywhere in the european community most famous will be familiar with CE marking for products what's new is the European Union's construction products regulation now requires fabricated elements and systems to be CE marked even if they have been made from products that have already bean CE marked two dates are important to everyone involved since denied the first clients designers specifiers contractors and specialist subcontractors have had to comply with the new laws when it comes to products and from the first of July fabricated steel work has to be CE marked we've been as a business so we have the dates for a number of years we delivered its at least three projects to CE mark in we currently tendering work which require CE Marking and obviously this is all being driven by the July dative where it becomes legislation the coming of CE Marking for both products and fabricated steel work has been well trial by amongst others the BCS a so it should already be part of the industry's thinking to focus the mind the regulations are covered by criminal law which means that failure to comply with the CE Marking legislation can lead to fines and even imprisonment I'm its affect how we procuring material

We've got to get it from sources that a CE mark that's the first thing and the same for bolts it's changed how we look at projects at the tender stage and terms of identifying specific welding requirements and it's changed how we control the welding in the factory and its change the way we talk to our clients as well because in some cases we are educating our clients about CE Marking of course some in the industry si CE Marking as another burden it does increase costs initially in terms of money time and manpower but there is a definite benefit CE Marking provides an opportunity to review systems manufacturing equipment and the skills a personnel which can help firms improve quality in the way they do business which can lead to cost savings in the longer term CE Marking is actually part like you care law now so it's something that they must actually carry out but apart from that does actually have commercial vans just companies it increases both the the quality of the product it make sure that so the people actually manufacture the product a competent a knowledge about the things are actually doing so CE Marking is here it's mandatory and it can be turned to your advantage want them does it actually mean for fabricated steel work it's quite an in-depth implementation process because it's focused obviously on on welding there's something specific requirements not are over and above what I guess standard fabrication companies use to traceability is is much more stringent I'm there's a bias towards technical reviews at the front of projects so you actually know what you're dealing with how you control the consumables the quality of the welds increases depending on what execution class you work in CE Marking so yeah there's quite a lot of differences all engineers contractors and steel work contractors should be working to specifications that include where appropriate

CE marked products companies have had many years to actually get to grips with CE Marking to get to grips with CE marking for that particular products in terms the a companies like Tata Steel there are already see marking the sex deal sections and have been for some considerable time fabricated steel work doesn't come managing till the st July but BCS a and its members being putting in place the necessary systems a CE mark for some considerable time so they should be well on the way to see marking now it's not just a piece is a member's others to a contract is also be wet pussy marking for some considerable time as we've heard CE Marking doesn't and that the product now extends to what's made from the products.

If you modify a product that has already been CE marked all place one on the market under your own name then you have to have it CE marked in its new film CE Marking applies throughout the whole the supply chain from the manufacturer through the distributor to the importer also engineers and specifies have certain obligations when it comes to fabricated steel work the manufacturer has to put in place systems to comply with certain standards to make sure its manufacturing the products the right quality the distributors to make sure that he's actually doing nothing to change those characteristics and impose a gonna make sure that when the importing products into the European market they too will see him a lot in the correct way for engineers and specifiers they've got what you specify the right see more product and make sure that you characteristics before so the product meets their requirements for any construction project it is the engine is responsibility to specify the required quality a fabrication or execution class as well as the right CE marked products and simple guides is available contracts were fabricated structural steelworks should also include the obligations imposed by CE Marking standard forms are available such as ACE marking version of the National structural steelworks specification for buildings and the model project specification for bridges clients and main contractors also have responsibilities under the Construction Products regulation namely to appoint a steel were contracted with CE Marking accreditation BCS a has made CE Marking compliance a condition that membership after July so simply selecting a BCS a member will ensure compliance with the regulations but how does this still work contractor get certified getting certified is fairly straightforward the manufacturer in this case the steel contractor knees to worship put in place a factory production control system butts in line with the actual publication standard having done that's he also needs to make sure that he has in place the right personnel.

Who got the right knowledge incompetence and in particular for welding that means putting in place a responsible welding coordinator that person is to demonstrate his competence and knowledge to a certification body its meticulous certification will call the notified body once the actual still contract has these things in place he calls in the notified body he watches says the system's assess the factor digital system assess the knowledge or responsible in quarter to make sure they comply with the standard and is to do comply with a standard the notified body will issue a certificate which allows to contract is products well the obvious benefit I guess is the commercial side where we've been able as a business to talk to clients and tender for job stuff have a CE Marking requirement so that puts is at the forefront love but process really from an operational point of view we've seen improve quality reduced NCR's that's a welding quality overall just in general the control around welding is increased significantly so it's fairly straightforward can be time-consuming they can take care between six months and months get the systems in place improper certified so my advice to most to contract is is start now CE Marking is already a fact of life for most this and because the steel industry has a well-developed supply chain implementing the new regulations across the European Union and specifically in the UK is not a problem in fact product suppliers already see marking as are many steel work contractors because the steel industry in the UK has been well prepared for the advent of CE Marking there will be no disruption and supply of steel sections structural bolts welding consumables and fabricated steel when it comes in to Fox quality as well as high standards and production construction and design has always been important to the industry CE Marking makes that commitment even more visible the point is to make it work for you

Kindly send us your testing requirements with the product technical details to submit you our testing charges.

We are waiting for your earliest reply.

You can call or write us for any clarification.

Thanks & Regards,
For, Eurotech ACS Pvt. Ltd.
Puneet Sharma
M: +91.8196980555
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1 comment:

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