What is the Meaning of CE Marking?

CE Marking Certification is the symbol as shown on the top of this page. The letters "CE Mark" are the abbreviation of the French phrase Conformité Européene which literally means European Conformity. The term initially used was EC Mark and it was officially replaced by CE Marking Certification in the Directive 93/68/EEC in 1993.

This presentation presented by CEMarkingExperts Product Certification Service is intended to provide a practical approach guide to what you need to know about the CE Mark Certification requirements for electrical and electronic equipment placed on the European Market. The material is intended to inform those that do not already understand CE Certification requirements and to clarify and reinforce the understanding of those already familiar with the concepts.

For more information about CE Marking Certification send us your testing requirements with the product technical details at E-mail (CE.Marking.Certification@Gmail.Com) Or You can Call Mr. Puneet Sharma | at +91-8196980555

Hello to everybody you all I'm today I really like to talk to you about CE Marking and more importantly I guess is practically what you need to know what you need to know to be able to go I'll something approx. what you're open everything I have demystify the topic CE Marking for everybody or potentially so just a little bit about who I am on the Compliance Services Manager. if it is a problem service in the India about eighteen years experience in product testing certifying products and my background I thought our certification industry and the Itc India Electrical safety testing laboratory my contact details on there as well the information and just go through wall won't cover today just want to look at always CE Marking Certification

What is an European directive the term due diligence you pick up again this presentation on my favorites and voice due diligence a little bit about enforcement in the enforcement authorities behind CE Marking Certification declaration conformity very important technical follows a quick look at the low voltage in EMC directive not into much detail is just going to be very much really focusing on the scope that those home in our standard presumption of conformity placing products on the market and then finally said very important format and content you're right technical file the required Kate with district this first topic what is CE Marking Certification well is a lot of blood sample to use for the confusion everywhere Chinese export to name but a few well actually the initial the something French term conformity European and it doesn't mean anything particularly effectively that is a mocking old all that mark is a declaration by the manufacturer all responsible body of a little bit about responsibilities in a low that the product meets requirements all the applicable

European directive that's cool CE Marking Certification much as we'd looks like to think it's Chinese export conclusion everywhere I'm CE Marking Certification if I before look at the European Union website play tell me that see marking is all about safety and quality well a pic to differ a little bit here because on think as anything to quality what so ever I'm see marking on the back to product doesn't mean it's a it doesn't mean it's guaranteed good quality it doesn't mean any of those things he say on a toy for example saying is that you can call the manufacturer is declaring compliance against that directed what you see a little bit late on the presentation is actually very much self-certification placed program has very little intervention from a third party to VeriFone the CE Marking Certification replied with the relevant background to them so CE Marking Certification taking office on quality should just explain briefly where it came from CE Marking Certification was there to promote free movement of goods across the European Union so it's actually to I'm three to get it from a trade barriers so is really a market setting of consumerism of customs so just moving on little bit about see mocking covered some this already but is designed to enable free trade from the European Union member states

What we now find is some non-eu countries have adopted CE Marking Certification procedures turkey is a good example about it places responsibility with the manufacturer or the importer good whoever places the equipment on the market this is very the terminology here and if you saw support of say from the USA you bring that into the to the European Union missile you take responsibility for that product not the manufacturer in the US or China or anywhere else so it's quite a big commitment

When you do this is not to say don't do it justice I could go into it with your own with your own eyes open know what your legal obligations of places even on thinking first on the market the other question I get call all is well on I'm not going to sell these units I'm going to give them away subsidy fun to do that but that still doesn't remove your obligations under CE Marking Certification still placing the products on the market even if you're not charging any money for them see mocking relates to European Union directive new approach directed that and in its twenty one of them take a look at those bit later on as a previously mentioned is primarily self-certification their own notable exceptions to that some medical devices some machinery for example quite the intervention even notified body primarily self-certification activity bottling CE Marking Certification not evidence of compliance in itself something a bit of a statement but the actual evidence of compliance is a technical follow and that's why I said wrong song presentation technical phone very very important talk about a lot more towards the end last really hope he said seen for CE Marking Certification was all about the conformity marking itself and they're awesome those regulations behind it so he certainly need follow the proportions that you can see on the screen at the moment and also the minimum like must the at least five millimeters so we won't spend too much time working on that and the story will say about see point same old thing itself at this stage but it's very important now to stop take a look at the European Union directive so what are these directives will these new approach directives of Community law and the out what we call the essential requirements so for example my background is in little product safety I can tell you low voltage directed very dear to my heart the center consulate is directed say shall not cause injury home damage to people property domestic animals okay so risk is me is very clear in that is a very top-level basic documentation and if you've ever had the pleasure reading the directive it it's written in legalese terms and that's basically the center college that like this makes directive has as a similar said it essential requirements and you have to meet that directed before you can sell in the UK or anywhere in the community so how do you do that will the directives to consign any technical requirements soul what they were loyal is primarily a European home a non-standard so these EN standards means the European colonized to recognize across Europe and they provide what we call a presumption of conformity with the directive late do provide technical requirements directed the normal the state in very legalistic terms what we have to make the European home in our standard technical documents say right and you know with testing a mobile phone them into eating test goanna make sure it doesn't get too Hall companies in tests on the battery that's all found in European home in a standard the directive is also going to explain 

How manufacturers can demonstrate conformity with those sense requirements different directive some different places conformity problem mentioned earlier that low self declaration the low voltage direct is all self declaration of the directives on something like that Wilma town explained in most conformity assessment requirements and only product meeting essential requirements can display CE Marking Certification there is a lot of confusion with the snow will explain a little bit more about this later on but there's a lot of people say oh okay yeah I'm not a typical want to see more implies so I'm goanna see Mark everything now into retailers in places and I've seen pencils political CE Marking Certification well it it's an absolute nonsense to do that you can only apply CE Marking Certification if for product falls on the go to one of the directing so to apply CE Marking Certification to everything is as bad as not applying its all and here we come on to the CE Marking Certification directed says on two pages so it covers everything from low voltage political safety simple pressure vessels always construction products a.m. say I'm sure many of you are quite familiar with the and if you go on second page then it talks about explosives and medical devices and equipment the explosive atmospheres live some pressure equipment and radio and telecommunications terminal equipment I'm all Mike very very good reading not goanna show you I'm and that's what you need to be making sure of it if you for this company directed seem only applies to you and common electrical products to directed no always is very cheap very very general but there are a few directors almost certainly will apply the low voltage directive covering that product safety an electromagnetic compatibility.

AMC I'm goanna come on explain explorers in a little while just to make your life really interesting subject of this seminar is all about CE Marking Certification bar just because had directed does not call CE Marking Certification doesn't mean its not applicable say he also go in the background to the things on the general product safety directed we waste a minute electric equipment roles reach so you'll have your wits about you a little bit to identify all these different climates they have to comply with one law bomb say which concentrating on CE Marking Certification directed today my favorite is due diligence I was like people he can apply demonstrate you diligence then nobody in their right mind is going to come in strong throw the book at you because applying to diligence may is doing the right thing so we just run through what only thing due diligence means in this context first of its knowing what is required fine you're attending a seminar today is the first step in that direction because ignorance on I know this is a bit of a cliché but ignorance is no defense the law so you have to be aware about what your legal obligations on what you need today it's also about declaring that you've met all the relevant requirements and demonstrating compliance with those directed probably most importantly is about being prepared and it's the worst case you know I hope and pray that doesn't happen but if the worst comes to worst you need to be ready to defend yourself call you need to be able to produce technical file because enforcement authorities

Can I ask you for it and depending on the severity of what they're investigating they're not going to give you much on to produce a and it means that you're confident in your compliance safety case whatever you want to call it but it's about a product compliance so this issue that you get a chance very very important very key for me and if it does transpired that you do get physically forced authorities you're not doing something correctly or not doing something you should be doing if he can demonstrate to them that you've been applying to diligence even leave nobody quite rightly they can work with you two people are going to be a lot of trouble with this to the people Seohyun see mocking loll you know I heard about that you know something what about you know that's not goanna go down well so of condom open the door to enforcement so just a quick look at housing anything for directed are agreed adopted an accepted by the government to the member states that national in the UK down so might be introspective handled wash statutory instruments low voltage direct it becomes a product safety is in place UK law the electrical equipment safety regulations such arrangement so it means that he directed have the same status as other laws in this country don't follow it and you're breaking little effectively the other thing I get hostile all is I'd like to import products and it doesn't carry CE Marking Certification I'm happy to accept it on that basis you can't do that your you're breaking the law point doing you know you are obligated to source product to carry CE Marking Certification and if they don't and you're placing on the market for the first time your application to apply the markings at this idea about c'mon can be an optional isn't the case who enforces a little well in Great Britain is primarily local trading standards that could be a number people involved with this actually that its primary local trading standards and of call wear a protective measure the spectrum is concerned the radio spectrum and in northern Ireland same of calm again but this time with the district councils and if we just take a quick look at what the enforcement authorities can do they're actually quite powerful and they can certainly challenge products are on the market they compose samples from the market for examination I can request a manufacturer importer or retailer to provide the technical follow they have to be prepared to do that taken certainly in late this is party test for trees on No because we did we do work with them and they can respond to public complying and make a note point of the member states this quarterly an interesting tool with you haven't seen it before alright thanks and I'll show you some followed by more effectively eliminate not say some examples right back and they can also investigate criminal proceedings which could result in banning the production cycle a product recall filings and yet believe it or not even imprisonment I don't know the case if they yet you know where the case is this yet you know if the person is or is likely to conformity does days and they seriously injure somebody all were pain and they found to be negligent company something urgent they can be personally held responsible so it's quite an undertaking about this is a response to a question conformity so only went on to the traffic data base today and any if you can look at this by the way he just went into Google

HP extract exit will come up in this is easily accessible what does that say and olive adequate look through the week notifications this week and his to call my only the first one is voted testing screwdrivers it is quite a shocker really excuse the pun that the product poses a risk of electric shock at the uninitiated mental pic Botha too long so you could you know you could be touching like balls with this and also easily contact that long shot screwdriver and protecting reams are intended stop you think a setting of handle to prevent that happening are also not large enough for the problem clearly by the local is directed and the European standard European home a non-standard I'm is clearly very dangerous the so what happened there was a withdrawal the market and a recall ordered by the authorities so it does happen that's in the last week having said that disrupt X really at the tip of the iceberg this is what you foresee authorities catch so you know on suspicion is that there was a lot more product the route that potentially unsafe falling through the net kind lighting change was a good one things more school like curtains and should just explain a little bit worse as country as well fortune on that generally accepted to be probably China as was the one above and was a problem

it was not fix probably a cross-sectional area want it is too small both sockets and not sufficient he was a teen saw you know these things are going to get warm and the product doesn't comply with a low voltage direct aid and the European standard EN six not to and he going to rob fixer you know maybe me with a partner Jules going to have a look and because it's Quant I think right next to how enforcement authorities in like folly all the member states so very very important bit paper next to pool their paper that we the horribly wrong quite often unfortunately this is a declaration of conformity is a bit paper that basically says we declare that we are in compliance with the all the relevant directly so what is a with a formal statement the product complies with applicable directives and applicable standards is a common people very often they'll say we declare we the undersigned declare that all products and conform to the local is directed it's not enough any say thankful to the local is directed and we've applied European standard EN because it's a bit like a quick so very important directives and it be signed by a responsible person within the organization and unexplained you know the that this is not a small undertaking

it's also explain this point series penalties associated with it certain if the person with honestly say though is you can be to senior an organization I would suggest that probably the managing director is not the right person to do it because I would suspect for liquor companies is that to distance from the production technical details product but then again it will also need to be you know having the design engineers sign it is also not really appropriate needs to be somebody props technical director somebody that's closer to the technical details approx. you can see there's that can take that responsibility can take can understand what this morning again it's not evidence of compliance in itself the technical love you paying attention you with your you remember technical follow is the evidence compliant not seem okay not decrease conformity determine legal requirement you have to do this so if we just goanna say what's the relevance of the Declaration is a legal claim the products comply with the directive and the manufacturer is a test in conformity with all those directives and takes so legal responsibility again signature accept liability for compliance Secretary may be subject to prosecution or imprisonment and in some instances mentioned before this some directives that require you to basically have the intervention notified body so for example some medical devices some high-risk medical devices speculation what needs to be only it was certainly name address at the manufacture I keep talking about manufacturer but please very mounted on talking about possibly the whole friendships and all the importer or retailer whoever is taking responsibility about products from the markings concerned a description of the equipment that it relates to very important this evening oil fitness to correlate can I know that there Fresno love rebranding and packaging that goes on say just make sure that you need have traceability in place senator at home in a standard applied if you don't supply home and I stand as you don't have to I'll tell you that find it a little while you don't have to buy a home in our standards but when you don't like them the CPU possible call when you don't like them any for fall back on international national standards and if no standards have been applied soul you have to justify only tell you many essential requirement directed firkin just effectuate memory central com local Tea directed show cause injury home damage to people from to domestic animals you don't have to apply standard the down then the burden to prove his is on you to come up with the evidence for you completely the identification signatory and the last two days of the year in which CE Marking Certification specific and on the next page there is doesn't look very pretty on Friday but it gives you the right information at the if you follow that template cool things are wrong that we just move on I'm key keep our the presentation today is think section which is what effect follow with medical files simply on your documented evidence to show the product properly comply their concept the directed that apply to it oK don't worry goanna go on explain it's a bit more the gunning his life it must be so much so as to enable enforcement authorities to assess the conformity equipment to the regulation directed it's corny Paul won this one because on presented so often with technical follows that cone work out clearly what properties or chrome work now wall you know how circuitry works will have the power supply arrangement works or what wins games connection pools has see need to be thinking about if I give this somebody could they read it in the cold light of day and no mean masses month diesel could play understand

The product is very important and must cover the design manufacture and operation of the equipment real key won this one off early in harness operation uphold it dislikes and they can be the same document shield is on follow all too often I go to speak companies and they say oh yeah how to design engineers and they say happened to his product and we do the testing and we do this application for Dominican in say only you know to sit down and for my tent focus CE Marking Certification you don't have to treat to separately 

if you if you understand what record in single file it's very easy field is on final be produced through the product design to become your technical fall into the job with very little additional work so it's you know really saving you time and effort and is it not you know this is the thing I don't like doing related the individual and most importantly forms a basis if your compliance up safety queue se because again we're talking about safety as well but it forms a basis if your compliance case as a really important bit documentation so now only told you that c'mon directive 

I want to go about identifying the applicable ones when a lot of cases it's fairly easy it's fairly easy because you can say right will I on a manufacturer all an electric shredder for an office so I know you don't have to mains powered on and off to comply with the local district is in the MC directed that's right click if for example I manufacture high power rail system is not quite cyclic of because clearly I can identify that well perhaps the RTT directed applies perhaps other directives flight well if there is any tell or confusion you can see is have been notified body a notified body that they are pointed at I'm sorry I'm goanna say that the TI but they're always be the chi-lutes maybe the there pointed by the and that they are exposed to various directives that we are notified body down here for a homo should have directed and they will be able to tell you whether the direct if you're thinking about does or doesn't apply and if there are any others that they were boy so if you're not sure about something always were talking to notified body and this is a very good official Cialis online the question what all the time it can I recommend book a lot I probably could recommend book but a wooden because on I Puneet Sharma you guys and you know like but beyond throw your money away because

All the information that you need you can get from the better website which probably likes me takes a bit of navigating and they do have a habit to change that link quite frequently bar it's really very good so if the European Union website the other thing is you can always talk to your testing certification lab

you know they should be very happy to help you answer any questions without automatic least on the clock ticking insane you know right is a bill and so it's really important that he just identified as from comes bundled from a few diligence was recorded through the low voltage direct safe it applies basically to everything for this is like %uh me on that all electrical equipment is on these were the voltage rating between to volts AC LTZ there are changes coming though its highly likely low voltage limits goanna be abolished that's going to bring into play holding you posted other products I'm musical greetings cards for example broadly speaking directive covers consumer goods capital equipment electrical appliances like things which gate control gate motors on tonight says wiring collision course say legislation equipment cable management systems I'm sure there are other things the you can probably think so of mist of my list I'm I love for specific like to hear about component drifting services see marking a little bit here we might things 

I was a good reason for this is there was so much confusion about see market components like the ones that you see that you do not apply CE Marking Certification to so capacities transformers resistance which is called semiconductors I'm it down policy-making to them effectively because they cannot comply stand-alone and the complaint depends on how they're installed what the application is characteristics final product into which goanna put them so CE Marking Certification should know actually my presentation role must not be applied and competitor function in their own right all covered so was a good example about welcome have the power supply for example because it has function in its own right so hopefully of clarified situational components from what they doing good local director them to help take your comment and the Directive does require the product must be marked with a rated characteristics sexual characteristics they also typically identify the brand or trade mark you can mark the packaging this is not possible maybe size constraints and be made so they can be safely operate connected assembled operated correctly must provide protection against has it so again this time person domestic animals come into play

I don't really I don't understand why domestic animals I millions of other animals but domestic animals the fifth against physical injury or other home know temperatures also radiation because the danger insulation must be suitable for foreseeable possible misuse condition and also external influences so mechanical influences environmental conditions cases a foreseeable overload for example so critical to be thinking about this and that's the nice thing about flying home in on standard is a home in a standard takes care of basic issue what we call a presumption of conformity so just a very quick same conjuration run through me and say directed him say directed considers to Ponca product categories will be collateral to and fixed installations so apparatus any finished applying for combination they're all perfect inflation 

I should just explain my diagram here I don't mean the train because that's not fixed installation of anyone in a minute station in the signaling in the switchgear that is a fixed installation so just want to clarify and so it's a particular collection operate issues permanently predefined locations said we discover operated start with apparatus covers a broad finished appliances want good AV sound recording only see industrial equipment signaling and so on you can get and mobile installation which is also defined as apparatus this is where it's not fixed is intended to be moved in operation range locations so apparatus requirements apply as well fixed installations particular combination several types evaporate disassembly still intended for permanent use one predefined location the songs are expensive the six inflation is not defined there must be a responsible person falling associated with this installation doesn't miss any dependency expert could be the owner storming China that person must be defined before the inflation is putting service must be permanent you can't have a fixed inflation is not permanent you can modify it can modify County life certain apparatus is given a gas jail free card here come equipment exclusively for fixed installation need not be subject to CE Marking Certification so there is some operators is going to fix inflation thing to worry about CE Marking Certification essential requirements were basically down of now shall not interfere with will be interested Bali effective the right words everything from to be a bit effectively that that's the number that so electromagnetic disturbance generated not sea level where the unit York women could not operate as intended and it has to the natty and where it wouldn't be great on acceptable level so fixed installations you would follow a good engineering practice you respect information on the use if they could the components and parts that go to make up that big inflation discouraging prices need to be documented kind of responsible person to hope documentation for as long as the inflation is in operation and good news there is no conformity assessment climate no CE Marking Certification column fixed installation so very broadly so very quick introduction

I love you too EMC directive really wanted to write you heard me talk a lot about harmonized standards so what constitutes almost and what is the police oppose wanting to be more directed it's been a pretty sparse panel Seen Leek has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union it's been published by at least one national standards body lost point really important that provides a presumption of conformity with the essential requirements so you like the correct European home in a standard you satisfied you meet a complaint you also doing the granted compliance with the directive is really critical and that's a real feather in the cap to do this because 

if you don't reply real on international standards from national standards or to apply stanza told you lose the presumption of conformity is a lot harder to justify compliance with the essential requirements and the stand is just that your interest to produce under a mandate from member states through the European Commission mail the technical measures your judgment measures so just to recap directed state the legal object is the essential health and safety requirements to be met upset that directed don't have technical requirements there is one notable exception captures the Machinery Directive which does have some technical requirement in it there's always a a old one out and harmonized standards identified technical means to me nicely checked it key point to note here though you comply with almost unknown keep saying this but fun how much did you get into conformity is worth its weight in gold so we come on placing products on the market before product is placed on the market manufacture all responsible for the all-important retailer anything other organizations the first place from market must compile technical documentation muster on the declaration conformity must apply CE Marking Certification and if one of those see mocking directed supplies then you must apply CE Marking Certification there is no exception no guess I'll nothing you can do about that however on the flip side of that is if you don't for your product doesn't want to directed do not apply CE Marking Certification just as bad so just police work running through I mentioned all throughout this all that botanical follow is very important so I think it is a good idea to run through common sense cynics have a general description the electrical equipment and you can only meet that requirement at five-point referencing the equipment instruction manual user operate a installation service manual will normally give you everything that you need so can it 

when it comes back this idea about you don't have to retry everything in the while you can really copies of a pro and any have something on a conceptual design mention this earlier he could have general assembly drawings photographs online going photographs from thousand words and all that both of them think and as a ruler policy here in all safety lap when we get brought in to evaluate all the engineering department bill all creating an isolation diagram as a very important first thing that we do is we sit down on me identify where the isolation barriers all whether separation is where the insulation is very important to circuit diagrams also recorded descriptions escalation safety understanding of those drawings you can shop drawings in in the party companies or senator about if you guys that someday they need to go to read it have a fairly good understanding about how the equipment works he might want something that say you know Paris provided by switch mode power supplies switch mode power supplies no shelf unit you don't have to worry about that anymore this and many a voltage regulators step voted down eccentrics extra standards applied in full when Paul and descriptions a solution to satisfy directed west and it had not been applied only done benefit presumption of conformity I missile components effectively a complete the materials and then also you need to identify which of those components.

All critical on the safety-critical so, for example, power supply switches circuit breakers uses plastic materials whole host dc-dc converters batteries oversaw things arose safety-critical the definition by the way safety critical something where if you change it to another Paul may adversely affect safety equipment seeking fairly well together and to those selves and also safety approval information for those so yeah I'm things change the law leaving years I've been doing these things change a lot when I first doing this it was photocopied PD certificates and the like now I can go to any of the big certification bodies find all the stuff online on their website so you can do it on our website you will to name but a few very good very easily searchable

I'm results have their own calculations salvation my this is if you need to have and in many cases, test report will meet that requirement but you may have to do some additional work on untouchables that I suppose but have come from the policy they could be drawn on board manufacturer notified Bali forcing anybody the manufacturer considers competition search for a queue you need some bleak with visual test report you need to be able to say this patented touchable because they competent and this is why the competition and that report demonstrates how the product complies with the relevant directive typically

We project based upon the non-standard and a copy of the Declaration of Conformity so I know it sounds nice n Easy on that list but is a real critical document in a bit time spent here hopefully you can see that if you notice polishing outset you design for open can easily coming in and become your friend phone at the end cannot be able to file format must continue to provide information they can certainly be a traditional paper file but more importantly previously the electronically and that's fine you can use my feelings too link to documents if you're going to literally please make sure that they are as part of your backup utility backup policy and he felt produce them easily short notice safety people serious complaint being involved it could be a matter days before your quantification technical documentation really important this one go see so many people mistaken see technical fall plays on let down the stairs into it with placeman in this from an hour after the game because we're not falling covered in effect of a fatherly brush the dust often you know so very well but Senegal phone's built-in living breathing document you know I know how things work the Wii we manufacture products we cost reductions we do new functionality new features we did mid-life upgrade mid-life servicemen technical fall fast and the way the product please don't just you know writing them forget about that I'm and that everybody is hopefully thing I need to tell you about CE marking

Kindly send us your testing requirements with the product technical details to submit our testing charges.

We are waiting for your earliest reply.

You can call or write us for any clarification.

Thanks & Regards,

Puneet Sharma
M: +91.8196980555
Email id: ce.marking.certification@gmail.com


  1. I just want to thank you for sharing your information and your site or blog this is simple but nice Information I’ve ever seen i like it i learn something today. CE Certification

  2. This is a great post! I have been struggling to understand ce marking uk and this has really helped me out. Thank you so much for sharing this information!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
